Tuesday, June 9, 2015

'PHANTASTISCHE VENUS’ Upcoming Exhibition In Germany

It's a great honour to be invited to be a part of this amazing upcoming exhibition, in the company of truly amazing 'Venus’ artists. Curated by artist Reinhard Schmid and a cultural event for the Town of Veichtach. 

"Phantastische Venus" with 70 female artists from all over the world.
The exhibition opens July 24th 2015 in the Town of Veichtach, Germany.

'Throughout history, art created by women was often denied the attention it deserves. Over the recent years, artist and curator Reinhard Schmid discovered a wealth of female talent and wants to show it in proper proportion to art created by men. Therefore an exhibition planed in 2015 is to demonstrate the importance, skill and imagination of female artists on an unprecedented level. It will be the first of its kind, bringing together 70 female professional artists working in the field of fantastic art, magical realism or similar from all over the world.’ - http://www.phanart.info/2015-1/

ARTICLE: Creative Courage With Artist Kim Evans

ARTICLE: Creative Courage with Visionary Australian Artist Kim Evans
The multi talented wonder-power Dominique T Falla, who is an author, tactile typographer and everyday creative, wrote a lovely article about my work on 'Everyday Creative', A blog dedicated to daily doses of inspiration: empowering everyday people to be creative every day. Check out her amazing blog at http://www.everydaycreative.com.au/ ....and Everyday Creative on Facebook. 

Thank you Dominique.